The new Final Fantasy ratio put off game players, -Tubers and

Final Fantasy XIV: n add-ons have gathered so far, the other higher rating averages. If you publish Square Enix s massiivimoninpelin November, the fourth extension, Endwalker , wants to continue the same pattern, it is the end result to glow as brightly as an ominous moon in the sky Eorzea. HostMonster Lisa Rinna tested a preproduction six hours.

Game director and producer Naoki Yoshida , more familiarly known as Yoshi-P, of course, assured presented before the test session, pre-taped his message that Square Enix has put everything in the game in order to ensure that the new add-pale in front of the former.

Yoshida promised great. According to him, Endwalker is a massive game add-on to the story than in respect of playable content. For example, the ends of the hearth tasks will be more than ever. Yoshida mere extension provides more gameplay than the traditional single player role-playing games, which yes is easy to believe on the basis of already pre-lisäripakettien.

According to Square Enix s now been tested Endwalkerista version is still in development and some kind of modification of the content are likely.

Of all the possible Summon Fandaniel chose ... what ?!

A kind of test session highlight was the new The Tower of Zot -luolasto, which is the story of one of the towers Fandanielin death. Dungeon was equipped with a traditional three Boss and roskavihollisilla between. Aesthetically the dungeons is just as spooky as kuolemantornilta you would expect, especially from the inside.

Trust that is, with the NPC Group to pass proceeded without further ado, the team members when the kindly guided me through all the mechanics. However, I noticed the group members artificial intelligence, at least not yet a big difference to the past, even though Square Enix told to develop it as an additional part of the time.

Then again, the actual player group of forces, Duty complete Getting lävähtämään text block on the screen called ... ... a little more time and effort. Dungeon was indeed remarkably difficult, especially in the group of friends, which is partly still getting used to the new character classes and skilleihin. In the end, a lot of evading the nimble feet and called for the last Bosses involved, familiar from previous iterations, really stupid-looking The Magus Sisters -summonit, fell to the ground. You can check the video above from the top of this feat.

Bossitaistelut thus were suitable challenging and enjoyable I think. In addition to the last battle in my mind was especially in the second Bossi, mechanics, where many middle copy of the original will have to find the enemy on the basis of copies of dancing and what is sitting in it in place.

The game Providers, -tubettajista and -striimaajista tester which consisted of a series of Discord conversation was a large consensus that The Tower of Zotin breakthrough was sometimes challenging experience.

Parannatko wounds of the soul, or will you take when entering?

Endwalkerin to play with the arrival of two new classes, reaper within the DPS role enhancers and expanding the range of sage.

Based on the test Session reaper in many respects similar mechanics as compared to other DPS classes. There is a single target and the AOE combos and two single gauge-meter, that are met by using certain linked skills. These metrics can then, as usual, to take advantage of certain powerful look of the skill to activate. Reaper attacks are spectacular to say the least, and the edgy-scale made any noise to new levels bleak avatar assistant to the revelation of the scene.

Sage whereas the barrier is a healer, and thus focuses on the use of other players linked skills in addition to protecting the actual healaamisen. SAGE unfortunately I can not compare to the past, because the healers I have not played the game so far.

Reaper stylish animations do not, at least not worsened the gaming experience.

In addition to new character classes also old has been more or less changes. Sharpest handling gets summoner, according to which developers will be almost like a new character class. And so it seemed a little bit. Summoner in the future will be able to call for help more actual primal-gods-like creatures, which in turn allow the use of different look of the skill. Shadowbringersissä Summoner rotation timing also leaned heavily on two-DoT spell, but Endwalkerissa dotit has been completely removed.

For example, your end-jobini, ninja, again gets new skills, which are linked to old skilleihin. A major change in all the classes will get improvement that ranged attacks will no longer melee turn-komboa.

In addition to new playable jobien are also imported jäniskorvaisen viera-race men. Expected by many, but on the other hand contentious, bunny boys to discover more of this article and the videos.

Color Theft!

In addition to the cave was reached during the session have access to bonus portion of the capital of Old Sharlayaniin, as well as two areas, Thavnairiin and Garlemaldiin. All three items were very different, and especially the latter two contrasting many respects, quite hard to each other.

Garlemald oloisista is definitely one the most interesting areas in the whole game, both visually and atmosphere. Merely a shortish visit made me very interested in the region and it is providing to the story.

The whole region downright screams depression and despair ravaged city districts and snow-covered terrain. Garlemaldin empire characteristically region includes the usual Urban hardware. Today, the former streets of the city lies on the scorched autonpuolikkaita, and found under the ground even stopped metrokin, and sinker stations envisaged.

Thavnair and it is inhabited by elephant Matanga people again give a clear oriental touch. Throughout stolen from black and white colors could well Garlemaldista all here. However, almost shockingly multicolor Thavnair is, in particular as regards its beaches, pleasant to look at. The area still does not, at least not for myself so strikingly different or interesting than the modern Garlemald, but to remind the style of the game the previous zones.

The capital of the Old Sharlayanista was a kind of foretaste of the game already in the first supplementary part, Heavenswardissa , when the main character of your trip to another set of the same people to build the city. Understandably, cities resemble each other visually, so it was easy to guess what will be like this from now until the players opened the cradle of civilization.

In contrast to previous metropolitan-style capitals of the latest addition is clearly smaller community feel to it even though the actual gameplay area seems to have about the same amount. This detail, of course, is well suited to the picture, taking into account the closed nature of the community. The appearance of the village reminds eye of players existing residential areas with individual kotitaloineen, giving the impression of a place where people actually live.

Old Sharlayanissa can finally visit the world-famous Studium-school, whose students to many of the essential characters of the game have been in his past. And that is not all of the highlights of the visit city s every step Alphinaudin itself and the other twins childhood home, having a staggering self-opening glass doors of the second layer to the balcony. During the test, the balcony was found to be an excellent meeting place for the players.

During testing, heard music affects the game in line with the earlier supply to be. The songs are perfect in their own regions to the theme and mood. As you can hear this included in the video, is a boss battle music returned back compared to more conventional Shadowbringersin exceptionally modern, and taste a whole for the better, the song.

440 000 000 HP to have too much

Over the years, however a number of numerical values ​​is, of course, have been constantly raising the characters experience levels to keep pace. Lifting is caused, for example, swelling of the enemies of the HP values ​​to extremes: the developers of the large number of values ​​counting processes are so burdensome as to cause bugs.

One Endwalkerin with introduction of new products is therefore a so-called squish stat that is, lowering the number of all the values ​​related to the fighting. Part of the municipality player has been concerned about the upcoming change. According to Yoshida s reason for concern should not be: HP Number of opponents will fall proportionately as much as the amount of damage made by the players, so the balance will remain unchanged.

FFXIV: llä goes fast now.

Top 10 Square Enix Video Games A similar number of values ​​adjustment has already been made several times, at least one of World Warcraftissä where it is, despite similar assurances to cause any problems, so the players concern is not pie in the sky. Change impacts FFXIV: n content older add-ons not yet reached during the session test.

levelauskokemus also changes. Character level of experience necessary to raise the amount of credit and at the same time it takes to be laid down uniformly. This also means additional jobien levelaaminen faster. Instead, at least teleport quick travel usage fees increased for all regions. This is caused by the desire to reduce inflation and balance your in-game economic system.

Finally, in the finals, but not even close to the end

Many players have praised the story of the current shadowbringers extension to the best of the FINAL Fantasy series - and no no wonder why. Even though I have not played a part of the series, it is shadowBringers you will probably offer me the best story experience during my whole gambler. The scriptwriters succeeded in bringing many years of surprising and racing twists that have not felt cheap, but lichotted pieces just in place.

To date, players have been told about a basic game, a realm reborn , since a uniform story that has deviated to various side circumstances during the add-ons. As previously been told, ENDWALKERIN The main story is meant to make this long, started in 2013 at last completed. The first 6.1-patchi of the future add-on begins a new story that continues with these views to the future. Information on a new story is so far completely obscured.

No actual tasks we have reached in advance. In its initial speech, Yoshida guided participants, however, to think about what everything in the story could happen in any place. Inspired by this, for example, Merchandise, which is the significance of Garlemald with a small hidden cave, with an unknown human set. What happens to Thavnair s rocky bowl or in a small covered with little bites? The details of the regions managed to awaken the imagination.

FFXIV goes hard now. Recently, before the start of the test event, it was confirmed that the number of user accounts made has come to a huge 24 million. This is most likely to include free trial accounts. According to Yoshida, the game is also the most lucrative title of Square Enix so far, which is quite understandable. There are currently three add-ons to the game of belonging to the game, and it also rotates with a monthly fee and a highly huge microfessional day.

On the basis of advance, the steady quality leading to success can well be a continuation, but the final truth can begin to find out until ENDWALKER appears on November 23.


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