Marvel s Guardians of The Galaxy Review: a good rocking time but with mistakes

Guardianes Galaxy Marvel Square Enix and Eidos-Montreal is essentially all about it: protect the galaxy. Well, trying to make money. And failing. And getting caught. And wrecking. But do not worry, as the game constantly reminds players have this. Probably. And mostly, it s a pretty nice trip if you can see past a lot of mistakes.

As Star-Lord, players are tasked to manage a list of Drax, Gamora, Rocket and Groot through intense firefights and delicate negotiations. You have to make the decision and, sometimes, your countrymen will not be in agreement with you and not keep quiet respect. But when the guards accidentally released something they should not have, everything is at hand to fix it before the fix, forever.

Play as Star-Lord and only Star-Lord may sound a bit limiting to the principle, but makes what might otherwise be an incredibly complex process less complicated. And even then, Star-Lord essentially dictates who does what both inside and outside the battlefield. You want a giant rock Drax close to a ledge? You re the one who does that. You Want Rocket use a skill in a specific group of enemies? You also do that.

Where the Guardians claim more independence, beyond simply fighting without direct instructions on autopilot, it is for several cinematics and cut scenes in the game. Different characters have different views on how, for example, dealing with Lady Hellbender, and as Star-Lord, players must stand one side or the other. These decisions have certain ramifications, as if an enemy is weakened later or not, but do not actually change the critical path of events. It is a condiment that sometimes is spicier and not others.

It Guardianes combat Marvel Galaxy is a relatively standard affair that although it is never boring, can become quite repetitive. Each Guardian has only four special moves each, and these are unlocked over time, and although the elementary Blasters Star-Lord are great and fun to play, and there are always environmental hazards such as explosive barrels to take advantage of the variety of enemies not it is just astronomical. More than once I found myself thinking, Wow, these people do not again.

Helps even the weakest opponents can be a dangerous element on the battlefield if you re not careful. More than once, I had to restart a fight because I underestimated what I thought it was mere cannon fodder. AI knows how to hurt and not afraid to do so. Want to be sure you are accumulating the advantages of Star-Lord in creating banks to take every possible advantage because the need even in normal difficulty.

If you re the type of person who searches all records and diaries of a video game easter eggs and references, Guardianes Marvel Galaxy has you covered. From direct and open here is a character who know and love presented to berate Star-Lord to small details on the experiences of the Guardians themselves and others, is full of them. I will not spoil anything that has not already seen progress, but say that if you were excited to see Adam Warlock, that s just the tip of the iceberg.

However, if you are looking for a multiplayer, look elsewhere, because the game is strictly for a single player. That may be disappointing to some, but it is clear that it was careful to make sure it is the type of game for a single player who people will want to keep coming back between narrative options that have unique effects and masks in the game that scatter all over. It also helps that there is a New Game Plus option once completed, it takes longer than you might think, but not enough to overcome their welcome.

My experience otherwise nice with the game was marred by constant errors. The most common were visual, since the grid orientation is stuck on the screen until it appeared the signs of the buttons and more. There is a particularly nasty fight bosses he had in the bag, for example, before the indicator of a button simply does not appear in the middle. He reappeared a second time, but still. Some of these are clearly known, and a patch of Day 1 probably will solve many of the problems I encountered, but worth noting shame I spent what was probably the most emotional scene of the game as a floating shirt because I dared to interact. with an object as he started.

Guardia de la Galaxy de Marvel is a good game that wants to be, in the words of Peter Quill, Metal. It does not reach that brand, but compared to other recent Marvel videogames that are not Spider-Man, it is more successful than fails. If you liked other incarnations of adorable misfortucts and team misanthropos, you will like what the developers have done here. And even if you are only a little aware of your Marvel background, there is already much to love here that a new enamel layer to correct errors will only improve. Rating: 4 of 5 MARVEL GALAXY AGUARDIANS is scheduled to be launched for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch through the cloud on October 26. The editor provided a PlayStation 5 review code for the purpose of this review and, of course, was reviewed in a PlayStation 5.
