Wow: Korthia is a torment for twinks - but that s finally changing

No Bock on Korthia Inworld of Warcraft? Then it waits - Patch 9.1.5 makes it much more pleasant for second characters.

In the current area of ​​Korthia, much revolves around the farm of reputation and collecting relics, which then help the Archive Code. What a character is still an approaching effort, will become a sheer insurmountable task on second characters. That has also viewed Blizzard - and improves a lot in Patch 9.1.5.

What is the problem with Korthia? Progress in Korthia is directly linked to fame. Only those who farm a lot on Korthia and best spends 1-2 hours every day, creates a significant progress daily if the character should not nibble eternally on the fame. However, Korthia has not proven to be fun for twinks, as waiting for rare enemies or completing the quests only little fun - especially if only a few or no relics are dropped, which are needed for the reputation.

What is changed? Blizzard introduces a number of upgrades and improvements that are expected to come well above all second characters.

The Investigation Reports (Item Upgrades) and Treaties (Bonus Loot in Content from Patch 9.0) can now be purchased from all characters on the account, provided that at least one character has reached the appropriate call level. Player on call level 6 can buy a new examination report and send to twinks that increases the call profit by relics and relic fragments by 50%. The quest relict efficiency on call level 4 now increases the average amount of relics that are available as bonus drops of rare enemies and treasure boxes. It also increases the amount of relics offered as a reward at the daily quests and the weekly box. Two new quests have been added. Relic Notes on Call Level 3 grants a 10% opportunity to obtain the double relic amount and relics hunters on call level 5 increases this chance to 40%. Both quests also increase the average amount of relics that exist as a bonus-drop, daily quests and at the weekly box.

What does that bring? The changes are especially useful for people who want to come primarily about solo content or lighter content on solid equipment. Second characters can thus deteriorate the high call levels with the archive arcode much faster and already use the ITEM rays.

For players who make content such as mythical +, raids or rated PVP, the equipping over Korthia is hardly worthwhile.

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When are the improvements? with the release of patch 9.1.5. There is not yet a permanent appointment for this, but realistic estimates go from a publication in mid-October. As soon as there is a concrete date, we will inform you about it.

What do you think of this change to the quests, reputation and rewards in Korthia? A good thing? Or is that way too late and then has no benefit anymore?
