I have been cool! Well-known fascinating POP CAT is made into web click-to-page

Always click to stay! Classic Members POP CAT is again in front of the public in the form of _ webpage.

Pop Cat This is a cat that will always be called, this is called oatmeal. At the beginning of the owner's film, it was called the bug, followed by a group of love cats with a big mouth in the discord group, a photo of a large O-shaped mouth.

On the same day, the friend of the owner made two photos into a movie and plus the sound, uploaded to reddit , and the legend of POP Cat was also expanded.

Pop Cat is made into a variety of videos, and now it is created in the click Popcat.Click, and the operation method is very simple, and it is right to give him down. But be careful, the hand is too fast to make the cat red eye, the number of red eyes will not be counted, you need to clear the cookie or open the browser to continue challenge.

Popcat.click can not only challenge the mouse button to do more, click on the number of clicks of clicks, let the global players help their country. At present, the list is Finland, Taiwan ranks thirteen worldwide.

Pop Cat is made in a hitter, it is fun enough, and I have never thought of there is an unexpected highlight. This is considered to be involved in North Korea, which is more energetic, and there is also a click of the record, which makes people can't help but curios, who presses the left button.
