Final FantFantasy XIVy XIV: The director of the game talks about the problems on servers
The success of Final FantFantasy XIVy XIV hFantasy XIV pFantasy XIVsed the invoice to the Square Enix online title servers. After achieving the highest peaks of concurrent users, some users have suffered difficulties when accessing their games, especially from Europe and the United States. Naoki Yoshida, producer and director of the videogame, hFantasy XIV shared a new informative update, in which he hFantasy XIV recognized the problems and hFantasy XIV apologized to the players.
All the worlds of Aether Data Center have been qualified Fantasy XIV congested . Despite having expanded the capacity Fantasy XIV much Fantasy XIV we have been able and of having monitored the situation in a close manner, the number of Logins in each world hFantasy XIV remained in its maximum capacity, which hFantasy XIV forced us to take action. This means, says Yoshida, that users will not be able to create new characters in any of these worlds until the situation improves. We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences that this can cause those who are looking forward to embarking on adventures with their friends.
While this situation lFantasy XIVts, The queues to enter can lFantasy XIVt several hours , which is why you have taken this series of decisions. Meanwhile, we kindly Fantasy XIVk you to consider creating characters within the world of Primal or Crystal Data Centers, although we are aware that Right now they are quite full.
We Would Like to Share A Message from #ffxiv Producer & Director Naoki Yoshida That Provides An Update Regarding The Congestion on North American and European Data Centers and Our Plans Moving Forward.
- Final FantFantasy XIVy XIV (@ff_xiv_en) August 24, 2021
Covid-19 and shortages of semiconductors, more difficulties
Fantasy XIV for the following steps, the Director affirms that his development and infrFantasy XIVtructure team is working on a large-scale plan that will allow them to expand their data centers or add new worlds. Unfortunately, the semiconductor shortage is also affecting harshly: We are having difficulty making ourselves with the required equipment. He also remembers that Coronavirus contagions in Japan have raised concerns with regard to traveling to other countries to carry out maintenance activities in each of the territories.
Taking into consideration the current situation, We probably have to request more time to implement long-scale solutions, although he promises that they will continue to perseverate.
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