Developer of Marvel's Guarders of the Galaxy on Why Star

AVENGERS IN ROCKET LEAGUE | Rocket League - Hero Creation | In case you missed it, one of the most remarkable aspects of the next video game Guardia of the Marvel Galaxy of the Developer Eidos-Montreal and Square Enix is ​​that, while the main group of the guardians (Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon , Drax and Groot) are present, players really assume the role of Star-Lord specifically and make decisions during the narrative and make decisions during combat. It is also an experience for a single player, which means that nobody is completely controlling Rocket, Drax or Groot at a given time. As for why the developer chose this path, according to a recent interview, it is simple: everything arises from the idea that players are put on the skin of a group leader who does not always agree.

Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Drax and Groot Rezum Personality. We wanted players to be at the center of that dynamic scenario. Guardia de la Galaxy de Marvel Creative Director Senior Jean-François Dugas told VG247. Therefore, the question was: 'What happens if the players are one of the guardians? What if we put them on the skin of the 'supposed' leader and let them take great decisions? What happens if players need to adapt to the unexpected behaviors of the group? '

According to Dugas, this decision allowed Eidos-Montreal to really put players at the center of things and at the same time make them feel less like an omniscient God and more as one more team. The leader, of course, but remains only one of the Yahoos who try to save the galaxy and deal with rebel characters who will not always be happy to receive orders.

Embracing the fantasy of being the so-called leader of this group of deduptides, allowed us to present our concept of choice and consequences, Dugas continued. You will have to make decisions that will affect the way this adventure develops. Of course, it is the same great adventure for all, but the way you will experience will vary from one player to another. Being Star-Lord is really empower, attractive and immersive. It was the best way for us to tell a real story of guardians. Many people recognized it as a bold movement, but a vision that was exciting to pursue.

Guardia de la Galaxy de Marvel will be launched for PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and PC at the end of this year, on October 26. It is available for pre-order now wherever such things are sold, and pre-order the title gets a package of attire full of backup suits for the guardians. You can check all our previous coverage of the next videogame of the Marvel brand right here.

What do you think of what we have seen? Guardia de la Galaxy de Marvel So far? How do you feel with the history and gameplay that has been shown? Let us know in the comments or do not hesitate to contact me directly on Twitter in @rollinbishop to talk about everything related to games.
